Saturday, April 14, 2012

Guitar lessons!!

Guitar lessons

You Want Guitar Lessons!
Have you ever been to a rock concert and thought man I need to get guitar lessons – or a concert or performance from most any music genre? Ever wonder what the lead singer would sound like without the music playing behind him/her? Most people would not be able to pull off an entire performance with no music playing – I would forget the words without music! At some point during that performance, the lead singer probably stepped aside and gave the floor to the band – each musician performing a solo. Drum solos are exciting, sure – but, when that guitar player starts making his/her fingers walk and talk across those strings, there is nothing in the world like it! You and your buddies are standing there thinking, "I wish I could play a guitar like that!" – and, so as easily as you can type the words "guitar lessons", you can be on your way to learning to play like that!
Online Guitar Lessons
While everyone would probably prefer sitting down with a teacher who has been playing the guitar and learning everything they know, not all of us can afford to do that. With that in mind, we will cover the pros of online guitar lessons. One of the best things about  guitar lessons online is that you choose your schedule – when and how long you can practice. When you take lessons in the real world, you are on someone else's schedule – and not being able to arrange your schedule to allow lessons on that person's time may prevent you from being able to learn. When you are taking guitar lessons online, you determine when you can practice and for how long at a time – giving you the freedom to keep your schedule as it was before.

One thing to think about if you are taking guitar lessons is the noise – because a guitar is a musical instrument and does make noise! If you must take your lessons in the evening or late at night –  acoustic guitar lessons may be what you need. Many people begin with the acoustic guitar. There are a couple of reasons for this: beginners can purchase an inexpensive guitar so that if they decide later that playing the guitar is not for them, they have not spent a fortune on an electric guitar and the accessories that go along with it – and the noise level is much lower than when you are using an amplifier with an electric guitar, because the amplifier does just what its name states – amplifies! So, if you are true beginner, you may want to purchase an acoustic guitar and after you see how things are going and decide you are serious about learning to play, you can move up to an electric guitar. No matter how you decide to approach your guitar lessons, there is one thing to keep in mind – Slash was not born playing the guitar like he does, there was a point in time where he, too, had to take guitar lessons, whether do-it-yourself or with a music teacher. So, do not expect to plug in that electric guitar and be transformed into Slash – it just will not happen!

The Guitar - Learning To Play

Some schools offer guitar lessons as part of their music program. If you're interested in learning to play and lessons aren't available at school, you can also sign-up for private lessons. If this isn't an option for you, you could also try teaching yourself by using a beginner instructional books or DVDs. In fact, many of the world's best guitarists learned to play by teaching themselves.
Guitar Lessons Are Expensive
Yeah - if you pay someone to sit down with you and give you one on one attention. But, in a world where "do-it-yourself" has become a way of life; you can learn to play the guitar on your own - without the expense of guitar lessons.  Guitar lessons are right at your fingertips online!

If you have never touched a guitar and have no idea where to even begin, there are websites that offer free guitar lessons for beginners. Check out several before you choose one to work with because some people have different ideas about beginner guitar lessons - some assume that the guitar student may know what the notes are and how to read them and others assume that the guitar player is an absolute beginner and will teach you about music as well as how to play your guitar. No matter what learning stage you have reached, you can find free online guitars lessons to suit your needs. If you are an absolute beginner, be sure to find a website that caters to beginners who know nothing, but want to learn everything!
If you want to know more about my online lessons See if Ultimate Guitar Lessons is a fit for you!!!
Good Luck, too your success!!!

Learn How to Play Guitar Now!!!

Learn How to Play Guitar Now

Have you ever wanted to pick up the guitar and start strumming your favorite songs but procrastinated? What about admiring musicians who are performing on stage? Perhaps you would have even asked yourself: "How can I be like them?" Well, the first thing you got to do is to take action and learn the guitar.
Many new guitar players fall into the trap of jumping straight into learning difficult songs because they were motivated by the notion to play their favorites songs. These guitarists often skip learning the fundamentals of playing the guitar and overtime, they suffer from burnout as they find it increasingly difficult to achieve the results they want.
Well then, you'll probably have this question in mind now. "Okay, I know I need to learn the fundamentals of playing the guitar but what exactly are they?" One of the first things that beginner guitarists need to know is basically how to tune a guitar. Just think of it, if you are playing an out of tuned guitar, how can anything sound good? Make it a point before every practice session that you ensure your guitars are tuned.
The next most important thing that novice guitarists should learn is the different parts of the guitar. Why? Many of the online guitar lessons will refer to specific parts of the guitar such as the bridge, body etc. Without prior knowledge of these guitar parts, a beginner guitar player may end up wasting more time and worse still, misinterpret theguitar lessons and learn the wrong stuff.

Guitar lessons

This section will basically be comprised of a collection of guitar articles on general guitar subjects. These articles will cover a wide range of other useful guitar tips and hints on stuff such as purchasing new guitars or even using the capo. Of course, you can also find every day stuff on guitar maintenance which includes string changing, how to take care of your axe and etc.

I have even included some of my personal strategies and experiences that you can implement into your guitar playing career. Some of these guitar articles include by being able to staying motivated to bring out the best in your musical talents, and even starting a band.

Perhaps you might also be asking yourself? "Hmm, I have finished the guitar lessons in Where do I go next? What should I do next?" Well, there will be articles that will touch on further musical studies or even finding a right guitar teacher.

Do take some time to read through these articles to gain further general knowledge on the guitar instrument. If you have an interesting article that you want to contribute for the greater good of the guitarist community, be sure to drop us a mail. You can also contact us for any guitar lessons or article request.

Online Guitar Lessons

There are many young guitar players that commonly try to accomplish a little bit too much all at once and often disregard beginner guitar lesson chords and scales. However, what many of these players do not realize is how much these lessons can help you build technique and increase your overall ability to develop as a guitarist. Below we will walk you through some of the aspects of these lessons that can be so beneficial.
In order to build finger strength and overall dexterity, it's extremely important to practice with the help of exercises. Sure learning your favorite song will allow you to learn a few new chords or a riff, but utilizing a variety of different warm up and practice exercises designed to increase dexterity is a must. It's also quite common for players to learn chords through learning songs and not really know much about them. This is precisely where guitar lesson chords come in handy.
Developing the ability to play and write with your guitar fluidly is one that requires more than simply an understanding of a chords shape. In order to increase your overall ability when improvising, writing, or jamming you must increase your understanding of chord structures. Beginner and intermediate guitar lessons chords will give you a basic to build from and expand your knowledge.
Perhaps the most notable reason of all of learning guitar lessons chords through tabs or other interactive lessons is the ability to avoid learning bad habits early on. One of the biggest problems that a lot of guitarists have when trying to advance their playing is being held back by old bad habits they developed through not taking proper lessons. These can come in the shape of many issues from picking problems to chord changes. One of the most common issues is players that have developed odd ways of playing chords that are considered unconventional. While the fingering of any given chord might have worked for the player at one time, learning new chords or scales might prove to be a lot more difficult as they are not designed for someone who plays the way he does. This is why developing good habits for the way you play early on will most likely save you a lot of frustration when trying to advance your skill set even further in the future.
Another great reason why all players should be learning guitar lessons chords and scales is simply for practice. Commonly sticking to learning the same songs from one or two of your favorite bands or genres will not give your playing the depth that comes from traditional lessons. All great guitarists have learned many different techniques that span genres and generations and never limit themselves. You may not realize how learning jazz and blues chords will help you write songs now, but you will not know how you could live without them once you do.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Riff-O-Matic: Classic Rock Guitar Riffs

 Hundreds of guitar lessons with audio, tab, and video. Learn guitar lessons at your own pace and playing well your first day. We offer a total 60 day money back guarantee.
Check it out!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Screamingfingers Guitar Lessons

Screamingfingers Guitar E-book. Guitar lessons for the advancing guitar player!

Check it out!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Crash Course Beginners Guitar Lessons

Learn To Play The Guitar In The Shortest Time Possible. Our Beginners Guitar Crash Course Consists Of 30 Short, Easy To Digest Hd Video Lessons.

Check it out!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Learn To Play Guitar Online Lessons

Learn To Play Guitar Online From A Fully Qualified Music Teacher And Professional Musician.

Check it out!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Outstanding Guitar Video Course

Comprehensive online guitar lessons program for beginner and intermediate students. The Outstanding Guitar Video Course helps aspiring guitarists to excel in their playing quickly and easily.
Check it out!